30 October 2004

twotd: ghent

you may be wondering what ghent is, but wait and you shall be told........

at 5am on friday morn i left my home for the channel tunnel and turned on my laptop with lotr return of the kings on, when we got there we went through everything but then customs stopped us and checked the car from bombs!!! They made me stop the dvd and get out then they went in with detectors and checked the car out, and guess wot they found nothing. they said that they were checking all the cars cos of sum threat they found out about. and i heard on the radio that vegetarians are upset at not being told that red smarties are made from crushing sum insect and using sum of the dead insect as a dye, enuff to put anyone off smarties for life....

then we went into belgium and went to sum city called ghent, which is full of old buildings. and i nearly got killed 3 times!!!!! first i was on the pavement and sum twit on a bike missed me by inchs, then when we were about to enter the main square a woman with a pram came straight for me and i had to literally jump out of the way!!!! and as if that were not enuff we were crossing the road when the man was green and then this tram just ignored the lights and almost hit everyone on the road, stupid!!!!! and then we went back to calais and i was watching die another day which was ok (not as gd as lotr)........

and then we went to cite europe for dinner and on the menu there was: tunny fish and fresh odor eggs (wot the hell is that i hear you ask, god knows)...........

28 October 2004

the cool factor:

i havent dun much today except for my art homework, geo homework, english homework the list goes on......

but i have worked out stuff with the biggest kl factors:

a mouse with a laser on it: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=3,CONTENTID=9043

a fingerprint reader:

ipod with colour screen:

one of the best looking pcs (if only you could buy anything that runs on it):

Festive 1.20m Fibre Optic Christmas Tree - For indoor or outdoor use:

and to round of a someone uneventful day hazza (as he is known in some circles) has apologised for the false statement that his blog was older than mine, "my blog has existed longer than his, so his is not a main blog (Craig that is)." and then he apologised, "I would like to apologise to THE ccf man, as i claimed that my blog is older than his, but it is infact, younger." Some would call this a day that freedom was given back to the people (dont ask me how).......

and as if that was not enuff i have decided on having the word or the day, or as it may well be known soon twotd (pronounced twotd), so the word of today is........


26 October 2004

a short update on lb......

today little britain was on!!!!!!!!!

and it was a vast improvement on last weeks one.... you had emily and his/her friend, daffyd, bubbles in a less explicit bit, the short one and the best bit was andy and lou.....

25 October 2004

a round up of recent events....

wot a day today has been.......

.....i got out my model train set (www.hornby.com) [please note i am not liable to the content of external sites] and took it for a bit of a spin, got some of my trains fixed then took them for a spin, then guess wot....... (gasp).......i defragmented my hard drive, yes i agree this is shocking, some would call this odd as by now u are probably expecting me to have worked out a way of getting it to do it by itself, better talk to chris roberts then......

.......and spooks is almost on so i shall return with an update on the events.......

........at the beginning there was this odd bit where sum terrorist went into the room didnt shoot the man he was meant to then escaped, then sum man spent ages running around london and a different man shot the man who was meant to be shot which made it all very confusing.....

24 October 2004

my next new blog:

from my recent reading of the other main blogs (including harris or as he is now called HAZZA (have i missed summin here cos it sounds like a cheap rip off of gazza.....?) i can now see that i am refered to as only the CCF man. odd.

i dunno wot to say now, hm let me see.......

guess the book:

"Welcome. And congratulations. I am delighted that you could make it. Getting here wasn't easy, I know. In fact, I suspect it was a little tougher than you realize."

cook u should get this easily......

23 October 2004

IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

I got back from the ccf thing yesterday!!!!!!!!!

Wot fun we had.....

....walking 20km through mereworth woods, getting lost 6 times, falling over, stuggling with a bergen, wadding through mud, making walking sticks, meeting a strange man in the woods wearing a dodgy jumper.......

....putting up a basher in the dark, cooking food in the dark, walking around in the dark, sleeping in the dark.......

now i can barely walk i just waddle everywhere.

and i have now learnt that there are three MAIN blogs, mine, shiftos and cooks sum would call this the BLOG WARS (a long time ago in a distant galaxy....) you never know it may be made into sum film by some fool, better tell harris bout it then.......

......and after i got back i met none other than cook himself, and after that i saw morrel and lockyear practically holding hands across the road......

if I have learnt anything from the ccf thing it is: kent is full of mud, rain, trees, hills and is the most annoying place in the world!

20 October 2004


yestery (tues) we learnt of miss morrels love of strange grammatically correct msn screen names: such an example was dentist-a-phobia which she said was of her hate of going to the dentist, yeh right.....

.....tomorrow im off to sum wood to kill small animals (or as it is otherwise known the CCF)....

16 October 2004

wot happens next.......

i got my prize today!!!!!!!!! it was sum dodgy folding clock then.......

poulton says cheer up when im not sad then...........

we get accused of cheating in the drama test when we blatantly didnt and we still beat harrisss group who accussed us!!!!!!

09 October 2004


Wahey! I have a blog!

08 October 2004

fair is foul, and foul is fair hover through the fog and dry ice

today we learnt of mr scammel's dangerous side:

strapping rockets together
buying illegal fireworks
spending £18,000 in 4 mins
creating havoc when ever possible
tryin to make a dry ice machine explode

what will happen next?